New Social Media Developments on Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook

As you know social media is a constantly changing environment and I will do my best to keep you up to date with the latest changes and features on a regular basis. I’ll be putting future updates in to this blog so that you can subscribe to and reference when you like.  For my first post, I have decided to update you on a few new breaking developments on the big three social sites. There are a bunch, but here are a few important ones that I feel are relevant to recruiting/sourcing. I will dive deeper in future posts.


Linkedin has released some new, very useful apps including instant search, chrome integration, and “signal”, a new information stream insight tool (see popular links, trends shared by your network, and better search capabilities)

Check them out here:

They have also redesigned company pages – check out the VMware Company page on Linkedin

–          You can now see a careers section (all recent jobs we post on Linkedin are shown here, it shows candidates how many of their connections are connected to VMware employees, company statistics and news (great place to find real time content to share on social media), and the corporate twitter feed and blog posts.


If you’ve used Twitter lately, I’m sure you are aware of the new redesign (if not check out for more info)  but there is still a limitation on real time searches. Go around this by either using a twitter client/social media dashboard like or to set up real time search decks that you can monitor on a constant basis.

Recommended: Have a real-time search open in your dash (hootsuite, tweetdeck) of your company name – stay up to date with what people are saying about the company you are recruiting for to stay in the know on company news…it could give you the edge when on the phone with a candidate.

Another way, if you’re not ready to take a step up to the dashboard/social aggregators, is Google. Have you noticed twitter and social media updates coming up in your search results? Google has integrated social media even more in to its searches lately. You can filter your Google search results to just social media sites by clicking the “updates” filter in the left hand column.


Wow. Facebook is doing lots of redesigns and updates lately. I may have to put all of these in one single blog/email update. In summary, they released a new groups redesign that makes groups more collaborative, facebook pages administrator redesign, and they are announced some new developments on their mobile site for the “Places” application. *Update* Facebook released a new “Messages” update which I will devote an entire post to very soon.

Something to note: if you notice your text size is smaller in Facebook this is because they are testing out a smaller font so no, you do not need to adjust your screen or eye glass prescription 😉

For all the information on the latest updates such as the new groups feature, privacy updates, new “friendship” feature, etc check out the Facebook blog at

Will Staney

Social Recruiting Community Manager